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Laboratory animal facilities, also known as vivariums, require more detailed and focused design engineering than most other types of laboratory environments. The vivarium ventilation control system’s goal is to stabilize the macro-environment (the animal holding room) and microenvironments (the animal cages).


The stability and quality of the animals’ environment is vital to their well-being and to the integrity of research. In addition, the ventilation system must create a safe, comfortable working environment for caregivers. It must ensure that contaminated and odorous air is exhausted and that correct room pressurization is maintained.


Belnor has built vivarium solutions using our airflow automation & controls systems, and compact rack venturi valves.


Typical airflow control considerations in vivariums include:


  • General supply and exhaust devices to maintain minimum ventilation rates, pressurization and space comfort control

  • Shut-off supply and exhaust devices to accommodate gaseous decontamination or isolation of space

  • Cage rack supply and exhaust devices, typically set at a fixed flow based on the size and design of the racking system

  • Most of these systems are connected to the building supply and exhaust systems.

  • Some designs draw air from the room, while others exhaust to the room through HEPA filtered exhaust ports.

  • Biosafety cabinets are mostly recirculating types; however, some are connected to the building exhaust system

  • Point-exhaust or “snorker” devices

  • Down-draft necropsy tables

  • Cage rack and cage wash systems


For more information, contact us




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